Tuesday 13 October 2009

AWESOME ABSEILING from 20 metres in the air!!!

A few thoughts from the abseiling team:


"It was amazing!!! It was really scary but fun and exciting at the same time. When we saw the cliff we all felt apprehensive and nervous because it was massive!!!"

"Our group went abseiling off a 60ft cliff. It was scary in many different ways. We had to wear harnesses, helmets and boots. We were all standing anxiously near the cliff waiting for our turn. Most of our group got down but some us did not attempt the abseil. The best feeling was when we got down and we had all learnt something new as well as the people who didn't attempt it."

"Phenomenal! We drove from the Lagganlia Centre to Inshriach Forest. We walked up a very steep hill to get to the vertical cliff. We had to practise to get the feel of the ropes strength. Once the first person went down we were all really nervous. It was hardest stepping off the edge. After the step you had to horizontal walk down a vertical surface. We were attached to a harness which was attached to a rope. We had to wear helmets for protection."

"We are really pleased we did this activity - fab but not surprisingly scary."

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